The Importance of Social Media for the Professional Services Industry
Rhycom works with a variety of professional service industries, yet across the board we will hear, “I don’t see any value in social media.” Have you or your company questioned the need for social media? Does it still feel like a passing fad where jumping on the...
The Secret Sauce of Marketing: Brand Simplicity
It’s often said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and that seems to be more true every day as it relates to me and my second son, Kai. I’ve spent my entire career in advertising and have been fortunate to be a part of many successful brands. I’ve...
Make a Great First Impression with your Website Hierarchy
When I was an art student in high school, our teacher often stressed the importance of constructing a piece based on how we wanted it to be perceived. She explained how the human eye travels across a piece of work, and how an artist can manipulate the viewer's...
Organ Donation Impacts Many Lives
Multicultural Marketing Can Help Save Lives August is Multicultural Awareness Month for our client, Midwest Transplant Network (MTN). While organ, eye, and tissue donations are an everyday need, MTN dedicates an entire month every year to educating multicultural...
How To Turn Content Into Conversions: Content Marketing Strategies
Content marketing strategies are effective when growing brand awareness, as well as increasing opportunities for conversion. Content marketing has proven to be a cost-effective strategy to market your company. We anticipate that these marketing channels will continue...
Marketing to Gen-Z: What You Need to Know
Gen-Z requires a different marketing approach to reach them, gain their trust and ultimately establish brand loyalty. This generation heavily values the importance of individual expression as well as organizations’ eagerness to take a stand on social justice issues....